The Gun Show The Gun Show - Negligence

Take a good look at your life. stare long and hard into the mirror and tell me
What you find. are we truly living the lives that we boast about all the time
Or is this just a status symbol like that cross on your neck that you hid
Behind? what do i truly believe? am i living a lie? what are we thinking?
Should we not hunger for gods word more than once a week? we are called to
Study more than once a week. to show thy self approved, more than once a week.
We are called to study more than once a week. to show thy self approved, more
Than once a week. know what you preach. don’t let your words be misleading or
There blood will be on there hands. don’t take the easy way out. don’t let your
Laziness rule you. what’s the point in believing in something? don’t let your
Laziness rule you. if you don’t even search to find the truth. just like
Everyone around us. you think your church is the only group of true believers.
You’ll claim you did all these things in god’s name, but in the end he’ll deny
He ever knew your face. why is church tradition held onto so dearly if its not
Even rooted in the scripture we so desire for? you say you really want to
Change this world. repent and get that plank out of your own eye first. pagan
Christianity. pharisee, christianity. but it’s all the same. your beliefs are
Rooted in false tradition. i am rooted in a generation that is too ignorant to
Seek truth. i am rooted in a generation where it’s the blind leading the blind
Astray. where was this relationship compromised and where did these lies come
From. where did all these lies come from? where do we go from here? history
Shows us the crooked paths that we now walk upon. come from?